Experts warn against antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Mexico


Mexican researchers consider that there is in the country an "antibiotic apocalypse" scenario due to the irresponsible use of drugs.

A few days ago, we talked about the warning of the World Health Organization (WHO) against an impending epidemic. deadly because of the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, fruit of the irresponsibility of patients, however, if you thought that it was a worrying situation in other countries, we have bad news: the Mexico is in them.

Superbugs: imminent danger

According to the WHO, superbugs or antibiotic-resistant bacteria should be a public health problem considered a priority and an emergency by all nations.

  Alert on antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Mexico 1

The irresponsible use of antibiotics affects the mutation of the bacteria. (Photo: Animal Politics)

What's wrong, ask yourself? Well, infections that were once treatable and controllable in a simple way now have mutations and complications that make hospital stays longer and can be fatal.

Read also: The next global epidemic is approaching and will be fatal if we do not stop abusing antibiotics

In 2014, for example, the WHO released a report on bacterial resistance in 114 countries, where he pointed out the worrying resistance to antibiotics of seven bacteria responsible for serious infections such as sepsis, diarrhea, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and gonorrhea.

According to the international organization, this was the entry into "the post-antibiotic era", during which minor conditions, curable for decades, could again put life in danger.

Given this scenario, the WHO launched an emergency plan in October 2015 called the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS), which unveiled in January the widespread presence of resistance. to antibiotics in samples of 500,000 people in 22 countries.

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Although other antibiotics are in development, existing antibiotics are not sufficient to cover infections. (Photo: Publimetro)

And in Mexico?

"Yes, we are facing an" antibiotic apocalypse "scenario," said infectologist Alejandro Macias, a researcher at the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), which explains also:

And we are all vulnerable because we can all have common and common infections that have already become very difficult to treat, or have an accident that forces us to go to the hospital, intensive care or with some complications. Before we can leave with an antibiotic, however, doctors may no longer be able to treat us because they often do not have different options.

Macías mentions that the resistant bacteria that are distinguished in the GLASS are also the most common in Mexico, including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, responsible for pneumonia and meningitis, among others.

What worries the experts is the presence of this bacteria in hospitals, which is fatal because it affects all patients exposed to dangerous infections. "Klebsiella pneumoniae and especially Clostridium difficile are now causing very serious infections in Mexico's hospitals," Macías said.

Responsibility and Awareness

According to Cofepris figures collected by Animal Político, in 2010, antibiotic consumption in Mexico rose to 70.5 million cases per year, whose authorities about 40% was due to self-diagnosis and personal prescription. That year, it was decided that this type of drug would only be sold on prescription, but after 24 months of the application of this measure, consumption was reduced much less than expected.

Read also: Are you a fan of antibiotics? You can stay deaf

  in Mexico to detect an antibiotic-resistant bacterium 3

Do not use antibiotics that have not been prescribed to you and take them on the days they are l-39 have prescribed. (Photo: Unsplash)

As a strategy, together with international organizations, Mexico published in June in the Official Journal of the Federation the National Strategy for the Control of Antimicrobial Resistance, which aims to carry out work He is responsible for antimicrobials for human, animal and plant health with the aim of reducing the spread of antibiotic resistance in different sectors.

According to the WHO, surveillance is particularly necessary in the field of livestock breeding because it breeds for human consumption, where 75 to 80% of antibiotics are used worldwide.

What can you do against bacterial resistance?

  • Do not heal yourself! Basic Do take antibiotics only on prescription from a professional (and no, your grandmother is not a professional).
  • Do not insist they tell you that they are not necessary. We want to feel better, but not because of a cold, you need antibiotics.
  • Take it exactly as it was prescribed, no more, no less.
  • Do not use antibiotics left to other people.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Put all your shots.
  • Avoid contact with patients.

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