Exports to Los Rios rose 81.4% in May this year | National


Exports from the Los Ríos region grew by 81.4% in May this year, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the main destinations of regional production being Canada and the United States. China.

INE explained that during the month of May 2018, exports reached a growth of 81.4% in the last twelve months and a 45% accumulation of exports, corresponding to the period 2017 in barely 5 months.

Ana Delgado, Regional Director of INE in Los Ríos, said that this increase of one year on the other is mainly due to exports by sea l & # 39, one of the most important, recorded only in August 2015.


As detailed , May 2018 was led by shipments from industrial sector concentrating 98.7% of total exports, which increased by 83.3% over May 2017 and forestry sector exports which increased by 5.7%.

Asia, as a destination, accounted for the largest share of regional exports with 50.6% of total exports, or $ 41.7 million, with China accounting for 76.8%, followed by Japan as main destinations. 19659002] While America concentrated 43.2%, totaling $ 35.6 million, with Canada with 90.6% as the main shipping point, as well as the United States; finally Europe reached 6.2% of the total exported being Holland and Russia the most important destinations

Regional production products that were shipped abroad by the mainly boarding ports, in addition to airmail and in smaller measure by land, being the main Talcahuano customs with 94.6%; Osorno with 4.3% and finally Valparaíso with 0.9%.

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