External relations experts ask Chile to leave the pact of Bogotá


Four foreign affairs experts called for a review of Chile's permanence in the Pact of Bogotá . They accuse that the claims before the International Court of Justice in The Hague have "questioned the validity of the treaties."

The letter "Why we must leave the Pact of Bogotá" was published in El Mercurio, and according to the signatories The deputy Vlado Mirosevic member of the Foreign Relations Commission, said that "this It is not the moment to discuss it. "

" We must give him the opportunity at the Court (in The Hague) to show that he will fail in law, " said MP

Similarly, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ignacio Walker added that "this will come the time of debate. "

Currently our country is in two disputes with Bolivia: one seeking sovereign exit to the sea and another through the waters of the Silala River.

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