Fabricio Vasconcellos denies having committed a fraud after a new formalization: "What will be determined will be done" – National


© Agencia Uno   Fabricio Vasconcellos denies having committed a fraud after a new formalization:

The former dancer is accused of fraud in the sale of land. The court decided to leave him with the precautionary measures of the national indictment and the biweekly signature.

24Horas.cl Tvn


This Thursday at the trial court of San Bernardo was formalized for the second time the former dancer Fabricio Almeida de Vasconcellos for the crime of alleged land scam

The Brazilian had been accused of the same crime last September. He is now accused by 13 people seeking a restorative agreement to avoid going to trial.

After the hearing, Vasconcellos told the press that "the context that I gave them, see what the judge said, we will do what the judge determines, we are not entitled , we react to determine will be done " according to the slogan The Fourth

In addition, he noted" that there is no swindle, j & # 39; I have made the mistake of not clarifying from the beginning that it has happened since the first day. "

It should be recalled that Vasconcellos was previously accused of having sold 20% of the rights on land, for the amount of 238 million pesos.

first formalization, the former member of the group Porto Seguro has maintained the precautionary measures of national signature and bi-monthly.


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