Fabricio Vasconcellos is formalized for fraud


The former dancer Fabricio Vasconcellos known in Chile for his participation in the group of axes Porto Seguro and other reality TV shows, will be formalized for fraud at the San Bernardo Court of Guarantee [19659002] According to information from CHV News, the case that is being investigated to the former Mekano member involves the sale of land and irregular settlements in Paine.

Buyers would have been deceived about the quality of housing, which was actually agricultural use, no housing and in a flood zone unsuitable for urbanization.

The case dates back to 2016, when Nelson Verdugo, one of the plaintiffs, sued to recover the 8 million pesos that he paid for the land in Pintué, near the Aculeo lagoon. The victims would have paid about 17 million pesos for the land rights in question

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