Facebook and Google: It happens with the accounts of their users when they die | Viral | Technology


Everyone has an account on Google and Facebook but very few know what can happen to these accounts when their users die.

We live in an era in which no one knows how it will go to die as dramatic as it may seem. Accidents to an unexpected illness could end our existence and not only will we leave our family and issues unresolved, but it is very likely that you will also leave your Facebook and Google accounts. Have you ever wondered what will happen to them when the "macabre moment" arrives?

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It is very likely that many think it's a question irrelevant, especially those who do not have social network however, it's never more than having someone to take charge of your cyberspace before an unwanted event.

Thinking of this, it is that Facebook has the Tribute . When a user dies, the profile can be converted into a commemorative account, all you have to do is ask someone you trust that, if this happens, notify the social network.

You can also choose an "heir" ": This person can change your profile picture or publish publications, but only that.You can find this option in Settings> Security> Inherited Contact.

In Instagram being Facebook, you also have the option to commemorate the accounts at the time of the death of one of your loved ones.

And in Google?

Google has two options: delete your all data and share it with people you trust

To delete your data, you must choose a period of inactivity. stay without using your account for a while, the data will be deleted Remember, this does not go back.

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After providing the necessary data, you can choose the time of inactivity after which your data will be deleted.

In this option and setting a period of inactivity, you can also choose "Share account" instead of deleting data. With this option, you will need to select the persons with whom you wish to share your account in this case. They can be up to 10. And yes, you can also choose to completely delete the account.

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