
The instruction was already given to moderators and now users can contribute: Facebook and Instagram will block profiles of those who suspect that they are under 13 years old and who are in one of the two social networks

Until recently, the operation of Facebook Inc. has gone into the idea of ​​ closing user profiles that were reported as less than 13 (age limit to use both social networks), but now their moderators should follow another recommendation

As the TechCrunch website reveals, those responsible for monitoring the Social network activity and its possible offenses will block the accounts of any underage user with whom they cross, even if they have been denounced for something else as objectionable content, o u because they were discovered by critics

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In the event that a user is reported, Facebook will ask for proof -a document validly issued by the government of the user- to verify that they are older.

The changes occur after a reporter in Ireland revealed that Facebook orders its moderators to ignore the accounts that appear to be minors in addition to revealing the differences at the # 39, to admit or close accounts with political content that resembles violence.


A few days ago, Facebook took advantage of the launch of its Messenger Kids tool, between 6 and 12 years old which allows parental control approving the creating their profile and with whom they can talk.

Pre-teens do not register on a Facebook account and do not need a phone number, but they can communicate with other Messenger and Messenger Kids users than parents have signed, so that younger siblings are not excluded from the family group discussion.

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