Facebook | Mark Zuckerberg is the third richest man in the world | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


The biggest fortunes in the world belong to the technology sector. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, positioned as the third richest man on the planet behind Microsoft's owner, Bill Gates; and the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos; and move investor Warren Buffett to fourth place, according to Bloomberg.

The Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimates Zuckerberg's badets at $ 81.6 billion. It is still far from the 142 billion dollars of Gates and 94.2 billion Bezos. While Buffett is very close to the CEO of Facebook with 81.2 billion.

In this way, it is the first time in history that the three most millionaire men in the world are technology leaders, something that has highlighted the Bloomberg report. After that, Buffett was at one time the richest man in the world

Despite the privacy scandal of the Cambridge Analytica affair, the income of Facebook increased further of 50%, thus increasing "savings" Zuckerberg, 34 years. While Buffett, 87, has seen his fortune dwindle since he's started to increase his donations since 2006, according to Bloomberg.

The data

The fifth place on the list belongs to Amancio Ortega. Spanish has a fortune of 73.2 billion dollars. The richest Latin American is Carlos Slim, in seventh place on the list of the 500 people with the most money in the world.

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