Facebook: Research says it does not interfere in user calls | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Although they have no logical foundation, there are many people who believe that Facebook and other apps are spying them through the mic of their devices. This is to get to know them better and show them targeted advertising. But research shows that it's completely wrong, reports the website "Hypertextual"

Listening to each user's conversations just to show them advertising is a technically complicated job. Paranoia has developed through the article "Vice" "Your phone is listening", conclusion to which the author came after a five-day experiment on the need to find cheap shirts and then find advertising references.

Espionage work would be a useless effort for Facebook because just the information you get from the activity of people on your platform. This was understood by academics and researchers at Northeastern University (Botson, USA)

An experienced computer security specialist for a year with tests in over 17,000 Android applications (to be more vulnerable to bad actors who try to access user data without permission), including the whole family Facebook like Instagram and WhatsApp, and 8000 others who use their API and share information with the social network, to find out if they were capturing audio to send to external servers

Through an automated program interacting with these applications, the generated traffic was badyzed, input and output to conclude that it was There is no evidence that the applications studied capture audio to send to servers beyond the control of users. 19659006] But they are spying on you

The conclusion is that no application that is legal and that has not been harmed by spy hackers on you using the microphone of your smartphone, but many of Between them record every interaction of the phone screen. This information is transmitted to external servers and sent to third parties in a practice considered as usual.

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