Facebook will help scan 7 thousand SMEs in 30 cities across the country


In the next five months Facebook will offer free training to seven thousand small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in 30 cities in Mexico, with the aim of promoting their digitization.

agreement with the social network digital skills are increasingly relevant for businesses of this size, both to operate their business, to decide recruitment of

According to an investigation commissioned by Facebook during the hiring of a 76 percent of small businesses Mexico ] considers that numerical skills are more important than the place where the candidate studied.

The platform indicated that, although these skills are each considered once again relevant [1 9459004] training opportunities are not abundant, so he wants to help change this. reality, by forming small and medium-sized enterprises through his tools

In this sense, he explained that the use of Facebook is a way for customers to & # 39; Arrive, since 68 percent societies of this type in Mexico that have a presence in the social network says that they have increased their sales since they joined

. In this perspective, the program " Boost your company " will give free training to seven thousand small entrepreneurs in 30 cities of the country, teaching them to use their tools to enter the country. digital economy to develop their businesses and create jobs, he says.

He explained that according to a study by Morning Consult Intelligence ] 59 percent of SMEs in [1945] 9003] Mexico who are in Facebook hired more than Employees to accompany an increase in demand for their products and services since their entry on the platform .

In addition, he stated that an ecosystem of innovation is fundamental to drive these companies, so they work with the accelerator MbadChallenge México to develop and strengthen socially focused startups through the program Startup Hub CDMX. ]

"The nine startups selected by Facebook and MbadChallenge Mexico will receive technical badistance, training for Facebook Developer Tools and access to tools and services of some of our main partners during the 16 weeks of the program, "he said.

He said that the nine startups for this version of Startup Hub CDMX include Listopro a digital platform to help businesses hire talent faster and train them. candidates by increasing their chances of getting a job.

Facebook Also Supports Innovation Through ] NUMA Start-Up Manor House in Mexico City, Where They Offer Free Work Space and Advice to Startups local and work with the School of Programming Dev.F to offer free coding clbades to 120 students.


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