Facebook will launch its own satellite in 2019!


The satellite calls Athena and her plans are pretty serious.

That's right. Facebook hopes to launch a satellite to provide Internet in 2019. The idea arose from the difficulty of installing fiber optic cables in remote locations and specifically aims to cover these areas with connection.

All indications are that the social network, which also has companies like WhatsApp and Instagram will launch their first satellite: it's called Athena. As confirmed at Wired, the new device is designed to "effectively provide high-speed access to underserved areas around the world"

The site accessed e-mails dating from July 2016, referring to meetings and conversations . The new messages detail the meetings between officials of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the lawyers of a company that Facebook would have recruited to represent them. The set of details that the plans are serious.

With this premise, the site contacted the company and, although they did not want to give details at that time, it was what they had been told in a statement: 19659006] Satellite technology will be an important catalyst for the next generation of broadband infrastructure. This makes it possible to provide high-speed connectivity to rural areas that do not have it or to the Internet that does not exist.

Recall that in 2013, the social network announced Internet.org, an initiative designed to connect those who do not have access to it. In any case, it was said about the satellite that there was also a strong commercial incentive to develop in neglected areas. Even if they did not charge, they could generate revenue through advertising.

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