Fall of a vehicle with 7 occupants at the Caliboro River in Los Angeles leaves a mortal victim | National


In the afternoon of Saturday, a vehicle traveling with seven occupants fell to the Caliboro River in Los Angeles, leaving a fatal victim.

It was about 14:00 that the carabinieri went to The height of kilometer 5.3 of the inner road that joins the city of Los Angeles with Saltos del Laja.

In the place they found a vehicle that for causes that are studied, fell to the Caliboro river, with 4 adults and 3 minors in its interior.

The second corporals Javier Espinoza Urra and Fernando Álvarez González, Centennial Tenure were the first to arrive at the place that managed to save the 7 occupants, corresponding to driver, his wife and his sister , in addition to his father-in-law and three minors .

Captain Erwin Orellana, head of SIAT of Bío Bío, said that during a trip along the road, for investigated reasons, the car overturned falling into the Ntra River with influx of High water due to rainfall that occurred in the area.


The fatal victim has been identified as Alamiro del Tránsito Hidalgo Garcés, 73 years old. The remaining occupants were transferred to Los Angeles Base Hospital, without life-threatening including the three children under 1, 6 and 12 years of age

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