Fallout 76: Bethesda has confirmed that "you can not" bring the game to Switch


Bethesda confirmed that, despite their best efforts, the launch of Fallout 76 on the Nintendo Hybrid Console was simply not possible. Read the details below!

Bethesda was one of the maximum thrusters of the Switch as a viable platform for the great triple A, and it was demonstrated by Doom Skyrim and Wolfenstein 2, among others. However, it seems that this "good wave " is not enough for Fallout 76 to work in the finest consoles on the market. Thus, during a panel at PAX Aus Pete Hines confirmed that his apocalyptic RPG would not reach the Switch because " could not be done ]. ""

That of Bethesda to Switch is not known if it is about optimization, to have clear information with the material , or if someone in the office is doing black magic, for some reason we have seen a big triple crossing the console with his hand and Fallout 76 marks the first time that the giant simply says " can not ." Hines said that all brand-name studies are planning to launch ports for Switch and that each one individually decides what is best for each game and that no one gives an absolute order. " Change is part of every conversation we have with the developers, and what we will do in the future, because we see it as a viable platform "he said. " If the game works, we want it to be available for all platforms ."

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"we are the leaders of third party support in Switch . that you met Bethesda and well, like the guys who take risks " he continued. However, it seems that MMOs simply do not work on the laptop because, in addition to Fallout 76, it has been confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Online will not be published for this purpose. more.

Fans of Solo Player, Hines have argued that " the next Wolfenstein " will also strike the switch. This is interesting, since Wolfenstein: Youngblood is only confirmed for PS4 Xbox One and PC but we know that there is a Wolfenstein more on the way we still know nothing.


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