None of the minors accused of raping a woman in Parque de Los Reyes has been imprisoned


None of the minors detained in the Parque de Los Reyes after being found "in flagrante delicto" by the Carabineros found themselves behind bars. This has at least been decreed by the Chilean justice, after only one of them has been formalized.

The incident occurred Monday at 11:30 pm Monday when a man with the victim was sitting on a bench in this park. Suddenly, a gang of four children threatened the woman's mate with a knife and they left the place.

"With a knife (intimidating) the man, they take him out of the place and the woman is taken to an area. of scrub, they proceed to violate it and subtract their personal species, "said Lieutenant Paulina Ardiles, officer of the Central Prefectural Carabinieri.

For this reason, the man called 133 and the carabineros could find the gang in flagrance.However, two of the young people ran away and two were arrested.One of them is CAFA (16) and the other is a 13 year old boy


After the fact, according to the North Central Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, the youngest of the two "goes to the Family Court", where it will be resolved whether or not delivery to their loved ones.

D & # 39; On the other hand, the young CAFA must comply with a temporary internment in a Sename center, so that none of them remain in pre-trial detention and, technically speaking, no one has remained in prison.

They are looking for two more children

Given these facts, the Carabineros said that they are still looking for the rest of the band

. on the other hand, gave a search period of 80 days.

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