Fallout 76: Our impressions of the beta


My comrade Alberto Pinto Zegarra is collaborating again with Más Consolas. This time, he tested the beta version of Fallout 76, available the first days of November. Without more, I leave you with your impressions:

For nobody is ignorant that the franchises of the most popular video games possess a kind of "essence" conserved through its different versions, and it is precisely that which guarantees them, with a few exceptions, a good reception of their fans.

It's something that Bethesda Softworks and its franchise Fallout have proven, with the added merit of showing us that magic. of the RPG also excellent exhibitors in the West.

I recently tried BETA. (Break-It Early Test Application) of Fallout 76 game that will be released in stores on November 14, and experience left me the insurance of Fallout presents the positive aspects highlighted by the series. However, I must say that I get some questions about this new bet, so that the game is designed with an approach that affects the online experience.

First of all, the game starts with a very colorful cinematic. that preserves the post-apocalyptic argument of the saga and then takes you to a rather advanced character creation (to the point that I was able to recreate with a little patience the appearance of a true friend of life): charge in the cloud, since we are in an online game.

The graphics have improved compared to Fallout 4 but all this has a cost: the game occupies more than 90 GB on disk. in order to increase if patches become very common in the future (it has just been confirmed that the fix of the day will weigh more than 54 GB).

The good thing about Fallout 76 is that brings the positive elements of the previous version and also corrects some things because the physics of the game is now more accurate and more precise. specific. You can also play in the first or third person, depending on your preferences.

Exceptionally, I will say that colonies with NPC are more dispersed (if there is one, because I could not see any), which makes sense if the game is now online. What is new is that you have a portable workshop that will help you camp and build your personal base.

Finally, I felt like a true lonely survivor because the map is very large and I have not seen a lot of players online, but that 's not the case. is understandable because we are in beta, the world of Fallout 76 will probably be as powerful as those of the Commonwealth or Las Vegas. after the fall of a nuclear bomb.

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