False news about an HIV-infected person in Theatron – Bogotá


"They told me that the old lady was celebrating with her friends and that she felt very much an immediate pinch." Begins then a voice note circulating on WhatsApp since Tuesday, in which an anonymous user warns of an alleged case of HIV infection at Theatron, a reputed nightclub in Bogotá .

. audio, it is said that once the girl felt the sting, she went to a friend's house to accompany him to the bathroom to check what had happened. According to the story, the young woman examined her arm and found a bloodstain similar to that which appears after an injection with the help of a syringe.

"He looked at his clothes and there was a paper saying" Welcome to HIV or AIDS ", he went to see a doctor and he pbaded tests, exams and he has AIDS," concludes the young wife. tells what happened.

Given the social media discussion about the truth of this testimony, Edison Ramírez, head of Theatron, said that "unscrupulous people spread false information about social events that did not occur in the networks. place. "

In a video shared on Instagram account of this nightclub, Ramírez stated that" it is clear that it is in the interest of discredit the establishment and generate fear "and that, moreover, the place has a solid logistics structure. which guarantees the safety of its customers ".

Finally, he invited the clients of the establishment to" not lend themselves to the dissemination of this information without identifiable victims and to clearly conceal their creator ".

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "HIV is transmitted through the exchange of certain bodily fluids of the infected person, such as blood, bad milk, sperm or blood. badl secretions ".

In this sense, explains the WHO," it is not possible to be infected during ordinary daily contacts such as kissing, hugging in his arms or shake hands, or share personal items, water or food. "

On the other hand, he points out that in most cases," HIV antibodies appear 28 days after contraction of infection and therefore can not be detected before "

This period, says WHO, is known as the period of seroconversion and "it is the moment of greatest infectivity, but transmission can occur at any stage of the life cycle. # 39; infection ".

HIV and AIDS in numbers [19659012] HIV and AIDS are not the same . HIV is the virus of human immunodeficiency, which affects the immune system by destroying the white blood cells that fight infections. While AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, is the final stage of HIV infection

  • According to UNAIDS figures, in 2017, there were 36.9 million people living with HIV / AIDS. people living with HIV around the world.

  • Of this number, 21.7 million people worldwide have access to antiretroviral therapy.

  • 35.4 million people worldwide have died of AIDS-related illnesses since the beginning of the year. the epidemic, reports UNAIDS.


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