Fans want the Elder Scrolls VI to immortalize a gamer grandmother


The Bethesda Game Studios have millions of fans, but Shirley Curry stands out among them. In case you do not know it, it's about an American woman who likes to spend her free time on the titles of this company and download games on YouTube. This does not seem extraordinary; However, he has been attracting attention since Shirley was 82 years old. This makes her such an important member of the community that there are even fans who want to immortalize it in The Elder Scrolls VI .

As reported by Eurogamer this campaign began after a user of Reddit saw a comment from Shirley in which he commented that it was unlikely that he could play the next episode of the saga. That's because he feels that he'll be 88 when he debuts: "I guess it's the last nail of my coffin. When Skyrim 6 will come out, I'll have 88, so I probably can not prove it. "

This comment has touched the hearts of many players. After all, it's painful to think that life does not come to you to try the next episode of one of your favorite series. So, they started a campaign for Curry to be immortalized one way or another in The Elder Scrolls VI . One of the ideas that most pleased the participants is that he appears as a companion.

"It would not be great to find an elderly Breton who wants to kick your bad and ask you to come along," said the user of Reddit, said phantom-scribbler. "Let him take his sword, put on an armor and say:" Come, grandchild / granddaughter "and go out and fight whoever gets in his way. would not want to? "

The fact that Bethesda Game Studios decides to yield to fan demand is not at all strange. After all, the company has already paid a similar tribute to Erik West, a fan of Oblivion who died in May 2011. That said, he did not comment at that time. Do you want Curry to be honored at The Elder Scrolls VI ? Tell us in the comments.

We remind you that The Elder Scrolls VI was revealed in E3 2018. For the moment, we do not know much about this project because it is just beginning. To learn more about this, visit our cover.

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