Fear of starting a new business? A parasite in the cat poop is the solution


Toxoplasma gondii is what makes some mice do not fear cats and humans to lose fear of certain risks.

Are you afraid of starting a new business or generally doing an activity for others? Can it be trivial? The solution could be in a parasite found in the cat poop.

This is not a joke, but something as serious as a study published in the Royal Society and explains that a microorganism called Toxoplasma gondii is "related to alterations in the behavior of humans and other vertebrates."

A group of scientists performed tests on 1495 students and the results showed that those who were infected with Toxoplasma gondii had better prospects of obtaining a degree in careers in the economic field or business management.

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As if the above was not enough, it was also concluded that positive T-gondii are more likely to start their own business and their own business as the rest of the population

Stefanie Johnson, one of the authors of the research. , he told NBC News that this parasite is what makes some mice not afraid of cats. It is believed that there are more than 2 billion people infected with Toxoplasma gondii in the world, but that many do not know (and will not know) because the immune system keeps it at bay.

The unprotected hand is not a bad idea, especially if there is a new business idea in mind.

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