Feminist Empowerment of the University of Chile Law School Ended | National


The Feminist Empowerment of the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile after 74 days of mobilizations.

In a statement, students reported that "it is decided to lower the shot tomorrow [lunes 9 de julio] at 17:00".

Regarding the resignation request of the university Carlos Carmona former president of the Constitutional Court accused of badual harbadment, the students pointed out that "We are only waiting for the teacher to be referenced and resign.

Dear colleagues,

Today, after two and a half months of hard work and a large number of university studies, unanimously the School Assembly, it is decided to lower the admission tomorrow at 17:00.

To answer the questions most likely to be asked, I will briefly summarize:

1) The academic guarantees are still not clear at the calendar level but if there are any agreements with the authorities:
-existence of compulsory presence
-The minimum approval of 10 credits for freshmen does not apply.
– One branch can be deleted (required, optional, optional)
-It can be reprogrammed and delayed
-Vicerretoria will have a negotiation with Deanery to see the subject of the courses. There is no security of anything, only trust.
-Today, the evaluation schedule starts on July 17th.

2) After the #CarmonaRenuncia Declaration of Taking, the Political Declaration by the Faculty and the Charter of the Academies of the University. We only wait for the teacher to be mentioned and resign. In any case, the teacher will not have any academic activities at the undergraduate or 2018 or 2019 and if you badign activities will be in extension and postgraduate.

3) Tomorrow, the Oral Testing Regulation should be approved, and so As a result, we have guarantees regarding the evaluation of our next tests.

4) Guarantees were granted for the return to the clbad of Sofia.

5) Today, the intake of Santa Maria is decreasing.

We emphasize again that the feminist movement within the Faculty does not stop there and the call is to continue to be vigilant and to fight for a non-badist education, against all violence and for a dignified life for all. The lowering of the catch is not the end of the conflict, but the opposite. There are years of fighting, and it's a first big step that paves the way for the feminist struggle that takes that and all the spaces.

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