Feminist holdings of the University of Chile begin to conclude agreements with Rectory


After months of mobilization in higher education, the Women's Assembly of the University of Chile obtained the approval of their unified petition by the rector. Spokesperson Florencia Asenjo said that the conversations with the university authorities covered all the points of the document that they had presented on June 18 and felt that they should only change 15% of them. The rest of the questions were received in full.

The petition tabled by the Assembly has four central axes: organs, regulations and protocol; non-badist education; three-stage articulation; and funding.

But that does not mean that the shots at Casa de Bello are over. The Institute of Communications and Image, taken a month ago, filed the takeover, but the rest of the faculties are still negotiating with their own internal petitions.

Emilia Schneider, spokesperson for the takeover in Chile we are very happy because it is short, medium and long term policies to take concrete measures to eradicate badism, violence and inequality in our university. "

  Women's Assembly Agency One

Despite what has been achieved with the unified application, Schneider explains that" we made the decision yesterday to continue to mobilize, until that our authorities decide on the situation of Professor Carmona or until the professor himself resigns.] The key point

For the students of the law U. Chile, c & # 39, is a key point that, although it is not the most important, is untranslatable to expel their faculty. Carlos Carmona is a professor of law at the University of Chile, who was denounced by one of her badistants for badual abuse and work.

Francesca Leyton, obstetrics student, celebrated the agreement with the presbytery and said: We will continue to build, organize and maintain the women's congregations of the University Chile, because we have to continue to fight for a a more just society, where women and dissidents earn all the rights that have been taken away from them for centuries. "(19659011) (function (d, s, id) {
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