Feuc Elections: 72 Hours of a Campaign Dwarfed by Two Complaints of Sexual Violence


The last days of the first round of elections of the Federation of Students of the Catholic University (Feuc) became a scandal. What was supposed to be a traditional campaign among the five lists vying to run the Feuc in 2019, gave rise to a series of allegations of alleged badual abuse against two candidates.

The first charge exploded on Monday, October 22nd. . The complaint against José Ignacio Palma candidate for the presidency of the Gremial Movement (MG) 1A list, appeared on social networks and was immediately implicated in a series of suspicious circumstances. The alleged facts were exposed by an alleged victim via a Facebook page called "Anonymous UC", a space created on the same day. The publication was also published and a day later the page was removed.


The Coordinator of the UCI Sexual Violence Prevention Program comments on the work done by the school in this area and addresses the controversy that involved two candidates for the election of President Feuc .

The story told two years ago The student of political science reportedly tried to defeat the student during the festivities "Toby" and "Lulú" organized annually by the movement. According to the story, the student was in first grade and wanted to be part of the MG.

The publication sparked considerable controversy through social networks and in the courses and corridors of the Pontifical Catholic University's campuses, in the midst of an election campaign. . In fact, that day was the last debate between the lists of the San Joaquin Aula Magna and, as a result of this situation, two of the opposing lists chose not to participate in the debate and to set up a parallel instance in lessons. [19659002] The pressure was so great that on Monday, the MG campaigners went to the headquarters of the General Secretariat at Casa Central to meet with the Secretary General, Marisol Peña . The goal was to talk with her about how to solve this problem, especially considering the institutional nature of the university and the right to the protection of the innocence of Palma that the MG wanted to defend.

The same day, at 22:54 At night, the list Surgencia, which includes the movements of the Frente Amplio and the Communist Youth, presented a publication on Facebook. The list stated: "We were informed a moment ago that one of our candidates was on a badual badault charge and, after presenting the antecedents, we made the decision to to dissociate Eduardo Milla from our project For these reasons Currently, the usual processes that require the confidentiality and protection of the complainant are being implemented and that is why we can not provide more than details of the case The votes being printed a few days ago, Eduardo will appear on the ballot, but he is no longer a candidate on our list. "


Suzanne Goldberg, gender specialist and badual violence law at Columbia University, badyzes the Chilean feminist movement and explains the importance of creating an environment conducive to discussion of baduality and harbadment.

For 24 hours, the first round of elections at the Feuc was eclipsed by two complaints of badual violence.

The third surprise came the next day. Thanks to the Facebook group "UC Students", which has about 40,000 people, the content of an email sent to the MG was leaked, inviting the men of the organization to participate in the evening "Toby". In this e-mail, "the orders of the Chilean trade unionist" are exposed and a series of offensive and badual phrases are included as "novice rapist". All this in a context of obvious trust between the recipients of the mail and several references that explain a supposed humorous tone

. This leak has revived environments and raised doubts about the likelihood of content. The suspicions ended when the MG itself confirmed its veracity. In a statement signed by the list, the organization stated: "Yesterday, students published an e-mail inviting a team celebration a few years ago, denigrating and offending women with aberrant and reprehensible comments. With respect to the above, as a guild movement, we condemn any action that endangers the dignity of individuals, including this e-mail and its contents. measures to repair the damage caused and never to allow such situations to happen again, so we ask forgiveness, we open spaces for internal reflection and dissociate those who wrote this letter. "

Given the succession of Events, the pressure was steadily increasing, which displeased each of the trade unionists who campaigned in the courts. of the UC. Therefore, with an election in full vote, the movement strengthened the defense. On Wednesday, 24 October, the trade union movement issued a letter from Palma in which it was stated "that it has never done anything like it", that the complaint is "false" and is part ;a montage". In this text, the candidate also states that "there were those who were willing to destroy my honor to win votes and thus devastate my environment.It is not only dirty, petty and harmful, but it is is a way of doing politics that we must eradicate (…) We will not let the lie trump the truth, we will not let hate crush democracy and we will not let any violence is imposed on dignity of anyone. "

On the morning of Tuesday, Palma and other leaders of the MG group went to the office of the General Secretariat to declare because, until now, the facts exposed by Facebook do not Had not arrived yet. at any of the formal instances of the university. Their goal was to force an investigation against him "to prove his innocence"

. And it was not the only thing to do. On Wednesday, October 24, Palma went to the Parquet of Oriente Metropolitan, accompanied by his parents, to file a complaint against "the officials responsible for the dissemination of the accusation". In the offices of the public prosecutor, the presidential candidate said: "I asked the university and the judiciary to investigate until the end, in order to reveal who is at the origin of this accusation ".

The current senior adviser of UC, Javiera Rodríguez who is also close to Palma since both belong to the MG, commented for PAUTA that these days were very hard. "We had to endure a false accusation in social networks that had different repercussions, such as funas on campuses of the university.The presumption of innocence is a human right and, in this case, no one has respected or produced any very serious personal, social and family consequences, "Rodríguez commented.

The end of the first round

The 72 The hours of the election campaign, eclipsed by the complaints, ended in the early hours of Wednesday, October 24. Several students consulted in this way confirmed that, as never before, the election climate was violent and tense. Given the relevance of the Feuc and the strong competition that exists between the political movements of the CU, it is normal for clashes to occur. However, in previous years, all these differences evolved in the political and electoral fields and this episode was an unprecedented precedent

. the more than 24 thousand undergraduates that UC hosts. The result, which has not yet been officially confirmed by the Tricel, leaves as winners the list 1A of the MG and the list of the New University Action (NAU). The trade unionists went to the second round with a total of 3,052 votes (23.81%) and the NAU won 2,915 (22.74%). The N-Null list received 18.59%, Surgencia 17.87% and Solidaridad 16.99%.

Elections move to the next phase. The two finalist lists will have to be addressed during the vote which will take place on November 6th and 7th.

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