Filmed video of an ambulance attendant who hit an elderly woman in Quillota's house: a woman died a few days later | National


{{# es_vida}}
Current life
{{/ es_vida}}
{{^ es_vida}}
{{/ es_vida}}

{{# barra_medio_medio_asociado.activo}}

{{/ barra_medio_asociado.activo}}

{{post_date_txt}} | Posted at {{post_hour}}
{{}} #Post_hour_modified
· Updated to {{post_hour_modified}}
{{/ post_hour_modified}}

{{# nota_en_vivo}}
{{/ nota_en_vivo}}
{{{}}} Post_title

{{# # nota_imagen_grande}}
{{}} #Video_rudo_destacado

{{/ video_rudo_destacado}}
{{^ video_rudo_destacado}}


{{/ video_rudo_destacado}}
{{/ nota_imagen_grande}}

{{# url_banner_falabella}}
{{}} #Falabella_new

{{/ falabella_novios}}
{{^ falabella_novios}}

{{/ falabella_novios}}
{{/ url_banner_falabella}}

{{^ nota_imagen_grande}}
{{}} #Video_rudo_destacado

{{/ video_rudo_destacado}}
{{^ video_rudo_destacado}}

{{# post_image.alt}}

{{}} /Post_image.alt
{{/ video_rudo_destacado}}
{{/ nota_imagen_grande}}

{{#}} en_desarrollo

Developing News

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{{/ en_desarrollo}}
{{}} #Spoiler

Spoiler Alert

This article may contain essential information about the plot of a book, a series or a movie.

{{/ spoiler}}
{{}} #Explicitas

Explicit Image Warning

Warning! The images in this article may affect the sensitivity of some people.

{{explicit /}}

{{{}}} Post_content

{{}} #Allertas_personalizadas



{{/ custom_warnings}}

{{}} #Presentado_inocencia

This article describes an ongoing court process

It is possible that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation. Therefore, the defendant should not be considered guilty The court pronounces a judgment against him
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

{{/ presumed_in}}

Violence Against Women

If you are a victim or witness to violence against women, report to Carabineros 149 or receive counseling in 800 104 008 from Sernameg [19659030]. ] {{/ violence}}
There is a suicide!
{{/ suicide}}

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