Filter the logos of the new teams of the Overwatch League


  overwatch-league-filtering-logo-teams-new-second season

A few days ago a Reddit user, managed to extract from the Application Programming Interface (API) of the application Overwatch League, logos and names of upcoming teams that will participate in the second season of the Overwatch League.

Just a few hours ago, the Paris Eternal team, announced its name, logos and colors to the world through a special stream, which just falls into what was "leaked" a few days ago. It did not make much noise because they had announced the Toronto logos. Defiant and Atlanta Reign, so we thought that this leak was a fake, but with the announcement of Paris, we can see at least that she was touched.

  New Overwatch league teams with logos

It was not possible to "datamine" the application In the Overwatch League, it was Vancouver, but the list below contains the names of the following teams:

  1. Atlanta Reign
  2. Toronto Defiant
  3. Hangzhou Spark
  4. Eternal Paris
  5. Guangzhou Charge
  6. Chengdu Hunters.

If 100% verified, the images in the images would be the new logos of the missing teams announced through their official networks. This has also caused some discomfort in the community, because of the name of the Chinese Chengdu team, that if it's called Hunters, some think it's a little bit " insensitive "to badociate with the logo in the form of Panda, while it is an animal protected by the Chinese government and very well-designed, the word attribution "hunter" leaves some people worried.

The second season of the Overwatch League will have the participation of 8 new teams, a total of 20 franchises that will compete in the league to take first place. The second season of OWL will take place on February 14, 2019.

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