Filtering images of the new Samsung with dual screen


MEXICO.- The Samsung company develops new ideas for its phones, among which is its new mobile phone, which will have a dual screen: front and back, where the back is intended exclusively for taking selfie photos.

This fact begins to take shape after the Korean company filed the patent on March 8 this year before the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office), which has been described as a "terminal of the world". "user with its control method", which in a nutshell means a flexible screen that folds, which makes it work on both sides, says Unocero on its website.

This means that the secondary display allows users to take a selfie with the rear camera however, the front camera remains and remains in the same position in which it was always

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According to the information of LetsGoDigital, the design of the flexible screen is composed of three parts: the main screen (front), a round part that extends around the smartphone frame (upper side) and a secondary screen (back side). This is so that the screen will get up a bit, to back off, as seen on the next image, allowing the user to see the content that is in front and behind .

Similarly, a smart software will determine which approach has been made, which means that the same cell phone can make a cut of the person closest to the camera or the person who has the camera. lens of the camera.

Similarly, the cell phone will have Artificial Intelligence that will have you identify a baby's face every time you want to take a picture, because that way you will look for pictures that draw your attention so that you can turn around and take the desired picture.

that a lot of information is circulating in the media regarding the smartphone, Samsung did not say that it is official, so do not expect much.

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