Finally! Xiaomi will open its first physical store in Mexico


Xiaomi, China's giant technology company, has confirmed the forthcoming opening of its first official store in Mexico

Xiaom and has quickly imposed itself as the # 39; one of the biggest contenders in the incoming and mid-sized smartphone industry in the Mexican market. And although we know that many of its products do not yet reach Mexico (such as their televisions, computers or even high-end phones), it is possible that all this will change very soon . 19659005] Xataka México in a meeting with the executives of the Mexican division of Xiaomi, was confirmed that the first official store of the Chinese company will arrive very soon to the country . Although no details have been provided on the store, such as the date of opening or the city in which it will be built, we can be sure that this next step of the Chinese giant will work the same the official stores of other smartphone companies in the country.

Surprise Thursday evening
At a meeting with executives of @Xiaomi_Mx the company confirms that "very soon" we will have an official store in the country.

We repeat: there will be an Mi Store in Mexico very soon.

– Xataka Mexico (@XatakaMexico) July 20, 2018

In its existing official stores, Xiaomi presents to the public a large number of its products, as well as official accessories and compatible with its different devices. Being a technology company and not just a cell phone company, Mi stores are usually full of items ranging from popular cell phones to construction kits for toy robots, laptops, TVs and speakers. .

these products still can not be found in our country, so the opening of an official store opens the possibility of their arrival.

They also function as a customer service center for the company, and a technical support center in case one of your products would have problems . Shop employees are trained to support all customers and users of Xiaomi devices, and stores operate as a safe place to get the latest equipment from the Chinese company.

We are looking forward to Xiaomi's official announcement about the store.

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