Financial transactions and venture capital appear on the horizon of Isidoro Quiroga after the sale of Australis


A week before the agreement on the sale of Australis Seafoods – concluded between the Chinese giant Joyvio and the company's controller, Isidoro Quiroga -, rumors have already been made about the projects of the company. 39, businessman. Quiroga receives just over $ 830 million for 94.5% of the salmon farm property.

Although at Inversiones Benjamn, a company behind almost all of Quiroga's activities, there will be no clear definitions, apparently there are lights in this regard . In the vicinity, he stated that the horizon would, for example, be the acquisition of any operation because immediately the employer would devote himself to "doing what worked better" : the purchase and sale of shares.

He comments that he will look at venture capital investments to develop businesses, for example in the technological field. In fact, the businessman and his son of the same name participated in committees that traveled to Silicon Valley, USA, and Tel Aviv, as part of missions to collect this type of contributions.

Quiroga has invested in many sectors and markets as a shareholder and operator. Destinations such as Ukraine and sectors as diverse as real estate, education, agriculture, mining and electricity are included in its portfolio.

However, it appeared that these last two areas would not be among the options considered. A few years ago, Quiroga initiated the return of a portion of the water rights that it holds, due to the high cost badociated with the payment of patents for non-profit. use. In addition, who was also a shareholder in the electricity of Pilmaiqun, renounces the hydroelectric projects he promoted through Electro Austral. This because of the lower profitability of this type of generation. This is the case of the Achibueno factories – which he resigned in May – and Agua Viva, a US $ 70 million initiative, which received support from the Committee of Ministers in September.

In the mining company, at which Quiroga participated in operations in Argentina and projects in Chile, there will also be no concrete plans. In fact, Minera Fuego, the company through which this type of projects has been promoted, will be without active project.

Worry about the attack of a capital by China

The record number of agreement for the sale of Australis – which exceeds that of the transfer from AquaChile to Agrosuper – reflects the rebound of the industry after the adjustments applied in 2016. The salmon recorded its highest historical production, with a harvest of 64 819 tons of premium, which recorded a business turnover of 399.4 million USD, an EBITDA of 123.2 million USD and a gain of 73.4 million USD. The company's badets amount to US $ 237 million, which represents the interest of Chinese Joyvio.

This incursion left the Asian giant's investment in the country worth $ 8,000 million, taking into account the transactions made. realized during the last three years. In addition, according to Invest Chile data, US $ 1,503 million is badociated with 16 projects with different levels of progress, in the energy, infrastructure, global services and other sectors. These figures show that, if it is considered that ten years ago, the Chinese investment materialized in the country by the DL 600 was only 85 million US dollars.

"The interest is transversal, in general, the most emblematic or But there are cases such as Mobike and its bikes, the extension of the hotel chain Mandarn Oriental, Huawei's project to connect a cable with Chile and China, in addition to the Austral optical fiber, the interest of a Chinese consortium of Train Santiago-Valparaso, renewable energy projects, chain stores, infrastructure, etc. This week, I met the vice-president China's global president, ThreeGorges, to discuss their current and future investments in the country, "says InvestChile director Cristin Rodrguez.

However, in certain sectors, this wave of Chinese investment raises some concerns, particularly in the midst of the trade war that the United States faces, Chile's two main trading partners.

In this regard, Rodrguez states that until now, he has not noticed any reaction and that it is necessary to put Chinese investments in perspective. "We have had meetings and contacts with a hundred companies this year, and I think we will continue to receive good news from China, but there is still a lot of work to be done before the position of Chinese companies in investments predominate in the country. "

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