Fire recorded in La Tirana in the middle of the religious festival


A fire was recorded tonight in the center of La Tirana in the municipality of Pozo Almonte (Tarapacá Region), in the middle of the great religious festival celebrated in the city. weekend

According to the Carabineros, the fire affected four houses located between the streets of Obispado and Farías reported Diocese of Iquique.

resident of the city, is part of the missionary team of La Tirana.

An elderly person suffered minor injuries

The fire was controlled however, carabiniers and firefighters continue working in the area to determine the cause of the fire. 39; incident.

Nearly 100 thousand people gathered at the celebration in honor of the Virgen del Carmen.

? now | Fire affects the property in the street Obispado in the city of #LaTirana . Emergency units are directed to the place. (Courtesy of Red Telecomunicaciones de Tarapacá) @ Cooperative

– Daniela Esquivel (@fridaturbina) July 17, 2018

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