While the Firefox logo has undergone some adjustments to improve its image and adapt to the design trends of today, its essence remains with the pbadage of years, but that could change very soon ]

Mozilla has confirmed that your browser will have a new logo which, depending on the final choice, will mean a major change from what we have been accustomed to . The company's plan is to redraw the company's image of its various products starting with its most popular proposal on the market. About the current logo, the managers mentioned that "as an icon, this fox with the flaming tail does not offer enough design tools to represent this whole family of products." [19659003] Mozilla introduced two design systems that could change opinions

The company wants to be accompanied in this important decision and as a result requested a notice to its user community with the intention that they are part of the company. ;election. In order for them to comment, Mozilla published two very different design systems . Each system includes a "Master" icon from which are derived the drawings obtained by all products, including Firefox.

Although these approaches are already available to give their opinion to the community, the company has made it clear that designs may change with in the course of days, they must still go through other processes of "refinement" that can even generate a total alteration of the final icons.

No investigation or other similar method will be used any more than the users who send their own alternatives. Mozilla just wants the community to contribute feedback but always keeping in mind that the icons may change without notice. No date was mentioned when the final designs could be presented for the final version.