First 5G test in Latin America


  First 5G test in Latin America

Ericsson and Entel successfully tested 5G technology in Chile

(CCM) – Chile became the first country in Latin America to experiment with full potential of 5G after Ericsson and telecommunications company Entel has launched a demonstration of this technology.

In the test conducted this week at the facilities of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile, located in the capital, Santiago, the advanced network 5G has managed to achieve a transfer speed data of 24 GB per second the highest level known in Latin America to date. This technology "will enable customers and society in general to experience connectivity that will open doors to countless opportunities," said Manuel Araya, Enel's Regulatory and Business Manager.

The arrival of 5G technology in Chile, which had been announced in March this year, and other countries in the region, such as Mexico or Brazil, will open a wide range of possibilities for the use and transmission of videos in high definition, as well as a wider range of devices equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT, in English) and even new medical applications, among other benefits.

Photo: © Sergii Laremenko –

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