Fiscal denounces Fujimori and former ministers of forced sterilization "Diario y Radio U Chile


According to data provided by the Office of the Ombudsman, between 1996 and 2001, 272,028 tubal ligation operations and 22,004 vasectomies were performed, but it is not known officially how much was done through deception and coercion. inferred.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 10:53.

  The former President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, listens to the verdict pronounced by the judge about his prison term in Lima on October 29, 2013. The Supreme Court of Justice dismissed today. Fujimori's request to serve his sentence under house arrest. Fujimori was sentenced in April 2009 to 25 years in prison for ordering death squads to carry out two mbadacres while his government was pursuing the leftist insurgents. Another lawsuit found him guilty of bribery and abuse of power. REUTERS / Enrique Castro-Mendivil (PERU - Tags: POLITICAL LAW ON CRIME)

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and three of his former ministers have been formally denounced as "mediating authors" (with control of the fact ) forced sterilizations According to the civil organization DEMUS, they produced during his regime (1990-2000)

The complaint was filed by the provincial prosecutor of the second prosecutor, Marcelita Gutiérrez, in front of the first criminal court national. Former ministers of health Eduardo Yong Motta, Ricardo Luis Costa Bauer and Alejandro Aguinaga; former Ulises sector consultant Jorge Aguilar and the former Director General of Health Region IV of the North Cajamarca Region, Segundo Aliaga Pinedo; as well as two other people identified as Octavio Marroquín and Magda González.

Last April, senior prosecutor Luis Landa ordered that Fujimori be brought before the judiciary and ordered that former ministers Aguinaga, Costa and Yong be prosecuted. co-authors of Victoria Vigo, Inés Condori and 2,164 women who were victims of serious injuries

The Office of the Ombudsman found that between 1996 and 2001, 272,028 operations on The tubal ligaments and 22,004 vasectomies had occurred, but officially unknown, how many were made by so-called illusions and coercion. Of these, 2,166 women reported being sterilized without their consent or having been properly informed of the procedure, while the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) determined that the number of women affected was very high and that at least one of them had pbaded away. for these practices

Fifteen years ago, a group of women filed a first complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor for the crime against life, body and health perpetrated mainly to the detriment of poor women in rural areas. and speakers of Quechua, as part of the National Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program (1990-2000).

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and three of his former ministers were formally denounced as "mediator authors" (with the knowledge of the fact). Forced sterilizations occurring under his regime (1990-2000), as reported Monday the DEMUS civil organization.

before the first national criminal court, Marcelita Gutiérrez, provincial prosecutor of the second prosecutor's office, and alongside former ministers of health, Eduardo Yong Motta, Ricardo Luis Costa Bauer and Alejandro Aguinaga; former Ulises sector consultant Jorge Aguilar and the former Director General of Health Region IV of the North Cajamarca Region, Segundo Aliaga Pinedo; as well as two other people identified as Octavio Marroquín and Magda González.

Last April, senior prosecutor Luis Landa ordered that Fujimori be brought before the judiciary and ordered that former ministers Aguinaga, Costa and Yong be prosecuted. co-authors of Victoria Vigo, Inés Condori and 2,164 women who were victims of serious injuries

The Office of the Ombudsman found that between 1996 and 2001, 272,028 operations on The tubal ligaments and 22,004 vasectomies had occurred, but officially unknown, how many were made by so-called illusions and coercion. Of these, 2,166 women reported being sterilized without their consent or having been properly informed of the procedure, while the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) determined that the number of women affected was very high and that at least one of them had pbaded away. for these practices

Fifteen years ago, a group of women filed a first complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor for the crime against life, body and health perpetrated mainly to the detriment of poor women in rural areas. and Quechua, as part of the National Program for Reproductive and Family Planning Health (1990-2000).

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori and three of his former ministers were formally denounced as "authors with mediation" (knowing that forced sterilizations occurred under his regime (1990-2000), as reported on Monday the DEMUS civil organization

in the first national criminal court, Marcelita Gutiérrez, provincial prosecutor of the second prosecutor's office, and alongside the former ministers of health, Eduardo Yong Motta, Ricardo Luis Costa Bauer and Alejandro Aguinaga former Ulises sector consultant Jorge Aguilar and the former director general of the IV health region of the northern region of Cajamarca, Segundo Aliaga Pinedo, as well as two other people identified as Octavio Marroquín and Magda González. 19659006] In late April, top prosecutor Luis Landa ordered that Fujimori be brought before the judiciary and ordered that former ministers Aguinag Costa and Yong were prosecuted. co-authors of Victoria Vigo, Inés Condori and 2,164 women who were victims of serious injuries

The Office of the Ombudsman found that between 1996 and 2001, 272,028 operations on The ligaments of the fallopian tubes and 22,004 vasectomies had been officially unknown, how many were made by so-called illusions and coercion. Of these, 2,166 women reported being sterilized without their consent or having been properly informed of the procedure, while the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) determined that the number of women affected was very high and that at least one of them had pbaded away. for these practices

Fifteen years ago, a group of women filed a first complaint with the Office of the Prosecutor for the crime against life, body and health perpetrated mainly to the detriment of poor women in rural areas. and speakers of Quechua, as part of the National Program for Reproductive and Family Planning Health (1990-2000).

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