Fiscala asks the Controller for the annual return of the expenses reserved in Carabineros to determine the destination


A request for the Comptroller General of the Republic to send a copy of the annual account of the refund of the reserved expenses attributed to the carabinieri of Chile by the budget law 2017 ", conducted at the beginning of the fiscal year of Alta Complexidad Metropolitana Norte Centro, Macarena Caas. With this, seeks to establish the use that has been given to these tax resources.

The diligence decree in the investigation opened in April 2017, after the statement of the former Chief of Finance Carabinieri, General (e) Flavio Echeverra and other coimputados in the case of millionaire fraud in within the police institution.

Caas had already made a request of a similar nature last year compared to the period 2007 to 2016. Then the controller Jorge Bermdez replied that the entity he is able to conduct a review the actual purpose of the disbursements made with these resources and, finally, to decide on their legality. "Because, precisely, it goes without" vouchers "and only affidavits.

In addition, Bermdez explains, in 2016, the former president Michelle Bachelet had already been warned "susceptibilities behind the reserved expenses and the insufficiency of their responsibility in order to make an adequate control" of the destination of them.

"Faithful of the informed"

Explains that "the generic nature of the same, it is not possible to properly conduct a review and judgment of accounts, as they can not afford to verify the use of funds in accordance with Law N 19.863, limiting the action of this supervisory body to the report. "

Without prejudice to that, Bermdez says that since 2007, the Comptroller" has organized courses and trainings on the accounting issues, the financial statements and the accounts in general to which the carabinieri participate. "

The Controller also sends the legal framework for the use of the tax funds contained in Law N 19.863, which in its article 6 states: "The reserved expenses can be used only for the purposes of the respective activities, with which the law reiterates the imperative that the expenses, in comment, they can only be used in accordance with the functions inherent to each of the corresponding departments. "

A key question for the researcher is to determine the route and final destination of the money of the reserved expenses that have been badigned to different authorities within the institution. The annual budget to be distributed was $ 400 million and US $ 90,000.

The objective is to establish whether, at least since 2007 and up to the beginning of the year. The case, these sums have sometimes been used for other purposes than the law establishes, since there are Carabineros officials who have received funds of this nature as part of their remunerations.

As the persecutor told the seventh court of Santiago de Santiago when she requested an increase in the duration of the investigation

Assignments between 70,000 and 3 million dollars

The prosecutor will now take care of the bancai account details Carabineros and his review. He has already in his possession about thirty statements of generals in retirement and countless other testimonials that point in this line: the bonuses. Indeed, a report from the IDP reports the testimony of 29 generals (r). One guard keeps silent, another refuses the receipt of the expenses reserved, general Carlos Cdiz, but 27 recognize that they have been badigned these funds.

Despite the questions about their use, all indicated that the destination "was in

The police report indicates that" 22 surveyed indicate that the delivery was in cash, four cases in cash and by deposit in personal accounts In 23 cases, they recalled the amount they received, which ranged between $ 70,000 and $ 3 million. "

Another of the findings of the IDP is related to the position they occupy at the time of receiving reserved expenses and allow the Attorney Caas to know if there was a corresponding badignment to his duties. police reports that "in 25 cases, they worked in major operational and administrative divisions and operations, in 14 cases, while working in operational-type transactions, and in three cases in administrative transactions".

"The law reiterates the imperative that expenses, in comment (reserved expenses), can be used only in the performance of the functions inherent to each of the corresponding departments."

"22 (General) questioned indicate that the delivery was in cash, four, in cash and by deposit in personal accounts, and an order to deposit in your personal account "

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