Fishing production fell by more than 50% in Lambayeque


In these first months of the year, fishing production on the coast of Lambayecano has dropped by more than 50% following the cooling of the sea, according to the president of the fishing port Ecomphisa de Santa Rosa, Santiago Rudas Sánchez

. "The low temperatures of the sea have migrated the species to warmer waters, and the entire coast of Chimbote has decreased production, the only fish in the sea is mackerel, but it is also becoming rare ".

Rudas Sánchez, said that this situation caused the entry into the region of more than 100 tons of frozen fish from Chile, Ecuador and Indonesia, due the rarity of hydrobiological species

. mackerel and mackerel and here in the Ecomphisa terminal is stored, "said the fisherman.

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