Five dead people have left two accidents in the province of Chiloé | National


Five deaths left two traffic accidents during the first hours of this Sunday in the province of Chiloé, Los Lagos region.

The first was produced in the municipality of Castro, where two cars collided. ] Route 5 South, in front of Villa Guarello .

"A minor vehicle moved from south to north with three people in the interior and collided head-on with another minor vehicle with an occupant ., The driver of the first died in the place .The rest was transferred to the Hospital of Castro with injuries of different consideration ", detailed to DNA Captain Francisco Valdivia.

#Castro # Chiloé collision of 2 cars in Panamericana Sur, height Villa Guarelo, 2 trapped patients (released) and one deceased, emergency teams working hard in the l '; place, traffic suspended for rescue
?: @enlanoticiacl

– Betho Chiloe (@BethoCarcamo) 1st of July 2018

The other event occurred in the municipality of Puqueldón, where the collision between a truck and a car left four people dead .

According to the sub-prefect of Chiloe, Lt. Col. Fernando Pino, the accident occurred on a road, the Puchilco area the driver died from the first and of the three occupants of the second

#Lemuy # Chiloé SIAT with teams of #Bomberos of # Puqueldón supported by #Bomberos of #Chonchi with rescue unit and extrication equipment working in #Puchilco in the liberation of bodies after a high energy collision of 2 vehicles this morning (4 dead).

– Betho Chiloé (@BethoCarcamo) 1 July 2018

#Lemuy # Chiloé
High energy collision of 2 minor vehicle sectors #Puchilco leaves 4 dead people, plus income #Chonchi rescue unit in support of fire fighting work #Puqueldon waits for SIAT and SML.

– Betho Chiloé (@BethoCarcamo) 1 July 2018

It can not be ruled out that both accidents were caused by Frost on the sidewalk due to low temperatures in the Los Lagos area.

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