Five "hidden gems" of the PlayStation 1 | Technology


The Playstation 1 is one of the first video game consoles capable of generating good 3D graphics. She quickly became one of the most successful of her generation, with more than 102 million copies sold Sony in one of the most important companies on the market.

However, many high quality video games are unknown even for the fans of this console. These titles have great playability or unique concepts, but they did not get much recognition because the trade press ignored them or the player community of the day was more interested in other things.

These are known as "hidden gems". the gamer community, and today we want to show you five for the first Sony console.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

  Atlantis: The Lost Empire | Disney
Atlantis: The Lost Empire | Disney

Disney Entertainment developed this animation-based game of the same name, as part of its strategy to expand its reach into the entertainment market. This title of platform takes the story of Milo Thatch and the expedition which seeks in the film the lost city of Atlantis.

The game uses the unique Disney animation style to create simple but striking graphics, and lets you use many of the movie's iconic characters, each with their own skills and tools, to explore the steps and solve the mysteries of the mythical city.

This is a short and simple game, but excellent. , which has unfortunately been forgotten, apparently because of its connection with the animation, because it has not been received as well as the other productions of the company. It is perfect for children or fans of the film because its developers have clearly enjoyed the animation of Disney Studios and the story of the film on which they were based.

Vib Ribbon [19659011] Vibrating ribbon | NanaOn-Sha "width =" 1422 "height =" 800 "clbad =" size-full wp-image-3903258 "srcset =" -ribbon-listing-thumb-01-us-02oct14.png 1422w, 1200×675.png 1200w "sizes =" (max-width: 709px) 85vw, (max-width: 909px) 67vw, (max-width: 1362px) 62vw, 840px "/>
Vibrating ribbon | NanaOn-Sha

] Vib Ribbon is a rhythm video game, similar to more modern titles like Audiosurf or Bit.Trip Runner .The game, which features a little digital bunny called Vibri forces the player to react to obstacles with different combinations of buttons, depending on the rhythm of the background music.

in his day, it was ignored because it presented too simple graphics and n had no recognizable character, however, it has become a jewel in for collectors thanks to its addictive gameplay and its ability to use your own music to create new scenes, anticipating for several years the future fashion of musical games.

The adorable protagonist of this game, badociated with the creativity of this title, makes it a hidden gem within the large library of games of the PlayStation .

Rival Schools

  Rival Schools | Capcom
Rival Schools | Capcom

Capcom is a company known worldwide for its video games of combat, such as Street Fighter and DarkStalkers but few people remember ] Rival Schools . ] one of his first projects in 3D for consoles.

The game has a fighting style similar to the other titles of Capcom using "teams" for each player, consisting of two fighters with skills. promotions that can be combined to create powerful synchronized attacks. The graphic style is inspired by Street Fighter and even includes a cameo from Sakura as a character.

It's an excellent game that, although it's not as famous as its "big brother", it's worth a try.

Mad travel 2012

  Mad travel 2012 | GT Interactive
Rogue Trip 2012 | GT Interactive

Are you a fan of Twisted Metal ? So Rogue Trip 2012 is perfect for you. Developed by the same creators, this vehicle fighting game takes up the arcade style of your inspiration and lets you to the maximum, allowing you to control multiple vehicles with strange drivers in a strange world of the aftermath. nuclear crisis, where crime and money control everything.

The game asks you not only to destroy your opponents, but also to search for "tourists" at every step, which you can entertain to get money, by taking them to different places or destroying them. 39 other vehicles. The goal of the game stops being purely based on combat but on your ability to satisfy the wishes of your customers in the midst of chaos.

This is a great game, which has unfortunately been ignored because of a generic name. , and the fact that there were just too many titles of this genre at that time of video games. If you're a driving fan, Rogue Trip is a title you can not ignore.

Alien Resurrection

  Alien Resurrection | Fox Interactive
Alien Resurrection | Fox Interactive

Alien Resurrection is considered one of the worst horror films. However, the video game PlayStation based on the movie, hides an excellent first-person shooter, which was ignored by its connection.

This is not a shooter of the time, because it is the first to have the style of modern control, using badog controllers in the control to control the movement and the camera. The graphics are also limited because of the power of the console. However, the title uses these limitations to its advantage, using shadows and graphic distortions to create a dark, paranoid environment.

This is an excellent game for a movie that did not deserve it. Its historical value as the first game using a modern control style, as well as its playability, make it an easy recommendation for your collection.

These are just games we know, but there are many "hidden gems". More over there. What do you recommend? Tell us in the comments!

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