Five hundred Magellanic (bones) are treated for breast cancer


D esde e
early October, various institutions, foundations, teams
sports and even players from all disciplines used color
pink on the occasion of the fight against bad cancer, which we remember
every 19th of October at the initiative of the World Health Organization

WHO, every 30 seconds, somewhere in the world, a diagnosis is made.
case Since 2001, Chile has incorporated mammography into the resolution program
of specialties. Early diagnosis is extremely important because
of the result depend on the possibilities of healing that may be of
100% if detected at the time.

In memory of the International Day of Fight Against Breast Cancer, the Serem of Salud de Magallanes conducted an activity
at the Clínico de Magallanes Hospital (HCM), where tables were installed
education with preventive information to the community, in collaboration
with groups and volunteers working in prevention and support
cancer patients.

Self Examination

Maremia Rojas, Seremi of Salud, emphasized the importance of
prevention of this type of pathology and stated that "women are
bad pair
prevent, and I think the statistics prove it, so it's
It is important to insist tirelessly on preventive measures,
among which is the bad self-examination that should be done
women, and any anomaly immediately goes to
specialist. "

In figures

For her part, the midwife in charge of the Program for the Promotion of Independent Women
in Health, María Isabel Velich, pointed out that the detection rates of
bad cancer have been maintained in recent years, adding that
"Cases of incidence
gradually, taking into account the improvement of prevention and
Therefore, the fact that people consult us allows us to
we can learn about f
In this sense, Magallanes is with an average of 3000
people covered by the GHG guarantee for pathologies and 500 in
bad cancer treatment. That's why it was very important
all the preventive work developed and the work
under the agru which function in prevention. "

Jesús Nieves

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