Five people arrested in Peru for exploiting 15 women, including 11 Venezuelans


The National Police of Peru (PNP) arrested five people in an anti-human trafficking operation for exploiting fifteen women, including eleven Venezuelan women, for professional and badual purposes, announced today. Ministry of the Interior.

Women worked in two bars in the locality of Puerto Pizarro, in the northern region of Tumbes, located near the Peruvian border with Ecuador, through which most tens of thousands of people arrive. Venezuelan arrivals. in the last few months.

In a bar called "El mero rojo", where three people were arrested, there were eleven Venezuelan women, including a minor, perhaps undocumented.

Police arrested two other people in the bar named "Tropical Paradise", where they found the other four women, of Peruvian nationality.

Detainees and women were transferred to the Criminal Investigation Division (Divincri) of Tumbes, where investigations continue with the support of the Office of the Prosecutor for Trafficking in Human Beings and the Migration Headquarters of Tumbes.

The victims of the alleged trafficking were included in the victim and witness protection and badistance program of the Office of the Prosecutor while the proceedings continue.

Peru is the second country that most Venezuelans have received in recent months, only behind Colombia, which currently hosts more than 350,000 citizens of this country, most of whom have settled in Lima.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned Wednesday that there was information that the number of victims of human trafficking for the purpose of badual exploitation was increasing and that A common form of recruitment had been made by fake job offers

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