Five people injured by an explosion in a sewer in New York


Five people, including two police officers, were injured today as a result of the destruction of a sewer in which a parked car exploded in the New York borough of the Bronx.

It is not known what caused the explosion if it is the electricity company Con. Edison is instead evaluating the damage, says the ABC channel.

The explosion occurred on 7:30 am local time, without causing any cuts in the electrical service of the neighborhood, in the Melrose section to the south. Bronx.


According to Biobiochile, the New York explosions occurred on several occasions, some of them due to accumulated vapors or an explosion of electrical equipment. We have extracted several of them:

On July 19 of this year, an 86-year-old two-meter pipeline exploded by opening a 9-meter hole in East 21st Street in New York City, but no one was found dead. ;was injured. However, in 2007, a similar incident near the Grand Central Terminal killed one person and injured dozens.

Con.Edison was forced to pay millions of dollars in compensation, so he claims to provide maintenance. Relevant safety in the old piping system.

"We continue to study procedural changes and equipment improvements that could further enhance safety," said Dr. Allan Drury.

Accidents such as For a few years, tourists and locals continue to enjoy the steam that is now part of the charm of the city.

Why does steam come out of New York's sewers?

The steamer of New York has become a feature of the city, almost as much as the clbadic yellow skyscrapers and taxis; This is part of the life of New Yorkers and is a very curious fact for the thousands of tourists who visit the Big Apple.

The New York Steam System, created in 1880, is the largest in the world. According to the New York Times, the city has 105 kilometers of pipelines that supply 2,000 buildings with steam for heating, domestic hot water and refrigeration.

The system is called Consolidated Edison and, according to the BBC channel, operates four stations. steam and two that produce both steam and electricity.

It is also very useful for sterilizing surgical instruments in hospitals, washing dishes in restaurants, ironing in dry-cleaning rooms or simply heating museum rooms.

via Biobiochile

Sin This steam network, perhaps the silhouette of the city that mixes old and modern skyscrapers, would be different: "They would never have built these buildings because they never could not heat them, "said Dan Holohan, known for writing 22 books on the subject, in his conversation with BBC Mundo

According to Telemundo, steam supplies mainly large buildings, including the Grand Central Terminal, headquarters of United Nations and Empire State Building

For example, the World Trade Center (540 meters altitude) is connected to the steam. "The size of a boiler for such a large building should be monstrous," said Steve Mosto, owner of Mosto Technologies, another company also offering steam systems for commercial buildings.

The trend, according to Crain in New York, It was considered a necessity in the 1980s and was highly appreciated for its ability to reduce pollution in the big cities, a situation that began to affect from now on. other major cities such as London.

via Biobiochile

However, after New-Engineers boilers, 72.9% of buildings prefer new boilers, while only 10% depend on Consolidated Edison and Mosto Technologies. Hot water boilers occupy second place with 13%, the remaining 5% corresponding to the rest of the heating systems.

And why do we usually see steam on the surface?

These are steam leaks, the same that pbades through the pipes escapes to the surface by strategically located "minichimeneas" not to impede the view of pbaders-by. It also escapes through the sewers, but to a lesser extent.

"These are leaks in the pipes that need to be repaired but they are not dangerous, it is not necessary to do it right now," says Allan Drury, spokesman for Con.Edison.

19659005] Despite the great virtue of providing heating to skyscrapers, the system also has flaws.

NY engineers also point out that steam lines are not usually the best option. The response time is usually much slower and it is difficult to adjust the temperature, which is usually very easy with the most modern systems.

In addition, they tend to promote the system as "green," but according to Crain. New York, Con.Ed, which largely eliminated the need for coal and wood fireplaces, burned 10 million gallons of fuel last year, making the company one of the city's biggest oil consumers . [19659029] Look Below

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