Five Unusual Sexual Advice From A Middle Age Doctor | Trade | Technology and science | Science


Love, bad, contraception … relationships could be a minefield in the Middle Ages. But medieval medicine gave advice on everything from virginity to death by celibacy.

Katherine Harvey, researcher at the Wellcome Trust in Birkbeck, University of London, and author of "A Cultural History of Sexuality in the World". The Middle Ages dressed as a doctor and answered 5 questions in the manner of doctors from the fifth to the fifteenth century.

1. I am a man in love with someone who does not like me. What can I do?

Many men in their situation will resort to the magic of love, and there are a lot of potions and spells that can help you get a woman's affection

in which she bathes awakes her pbadions, or that the dew of the plant will come into the food will encourage love.

Wearing henbane or crazy grbad on your person can also make you irresistibly attractive.

Of course, the church does not approve of such activities, and if you are accused of using the magic of love, you can be brought to the ecclesiastical courts.

I am also concerned that you could suffer from a pain of love because of your feelings not shared.

If you experience symptoms such as insomnia, melancholy, and rapid heartbeat, you should watch a treatment.

Rest, hot baths and good food (like lamb and ripe fruit) will help. You will probably need a bleed or a purge to rebalance your moods.

It may be helpful to contemplate other beautiful women and think of the faults of this particular woman.

For your health, you must quickly persuade your beloved that she too likes, or that she convinces you that you do not like her.

2. My husband and I have 8 children and we can not pay more. What can we do?

This is a situation in which many couples end up, since procreation is the main goal of marriage and that children are very expensive.

If your husband agrees, the best solution is a pact of abstinence, but remember that denying spousal debt to your spouse without your consent is a sin.

Alternatively, there are several things you can try to prevent the design. they emit seeds, so if, for example, your husband retires before ejaculating, you will not get pregnant.

Movement can pull out the seed of a woman's body, so tries to sneeze or jump after bad

Some people prefer amulets: it is says that holding a spray or using the testicles of a weasel around the neck during intercourse will prevent conception. 19659005] The anointing of the bads with certain oils and herbs, including wild mint, is also effective.

If you become pregnant, you can drink herbal concoctions, but church clbades may prevent you from using these potions. In fact, remember that trying to prevent pregnancy is a sin. Your priest can ask questions about it in a confession and impose strong penances.

3. I'm about to get married, but I'm not a virgin. Will my husband know (or how can I prevent him from discovering it?)

The bad news is that there are several ways to evaluate if you are a virgin.

One of them is to examine your urine: a virgin 's urine is thin and clear, and she urinates more delicately and longer than a corrupt woman.

The good news is that unless your new husband is a doctor, it is likely that he will not make such a test.

However, e expects you to feel pain and bleeding when you have bad for the first time. If that does not happen, you can suspect.

Some women who are in their situation are successful in making their marriage a day that they have their period.

This blood is darker and less effusive than the blood of virginity. lost, but can deceive your husband.

Alternatively, there are substances that you can rub on your private parts to make them contract and help you to simulate virginity. Mulberry powder is good for that.

I heard stories of Italian brides who inserted leeches for the blood to come out and that the man was deceived. But it's risky, and you have to be very careful not to get in too much.

4. I am a priest and have heard stories about men who died of celibacy. How can I avoid this fate?

It is certainly possible to die of celibacy, but fortunately it rarely happens.

The problem is that in order for your body to stay healthy and healthy, you have to expel the sperm regularly

If this does not happen, the sperm can accumulate, damage the heart and cause headaches, weight loss and finally, in severe cases, death.

The good news is that the body is usually balanced by nocturnal emissions. sperm, and most clergymen agree that this (unlike masturbation, which you should avoid) is not a sin.

Lifestyle changes can also help. Diet: sperm is made from digested food, and some foods produce more sperm than others

Avoid rich foods like red meat (fish is a lot better) and beware of wine, it stings the stomach and bads and causes lust

The monks regularly undergo bloodshed, and you should do it too; The exchange of bodily fluids will help keep your single body in balance.

If you follow this advice, you can keep your vow and stay healthy in both your body and your soul.

5. My new wife threatens to cancel our marriage because I am helpless. Something can heal me?

The first thing to establish is whether the problem is permanent or temporary.

Could you be a victim of magic?

There have been unfortunate cases in which men The newlyweds have become helpless by a former jealous lover. If this may be your problem, you should consult a priest who will probably recommend penitence and exorcism

If magic is not involved, then medicine may help: a Kidney powder and vulture testicle mixed with wine, is a good remedy against impotence.

When you have the intention of having bad, make sure the conditions are good: rich foods (like meat and eggs) and alcohol they increase desire just like heat then you have to heat the room by lighting a fire.

If none of this works, you may be one of those unfortunate ones who (maybe because of a liver and a defective heart)

In this case, your wife is entitled to a cancellation because bad is an integral part of marriage, as I'm sure you knew before you got married

. Esper undergo a thorough examination and, if you can not do it, it is almost certain that your marriage will be considered invalid.

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