Fix the date of formalization for Marco Enríquez-Ominami by case OAS | National


The next August 20 will be formalized Marco Enríquez-Ominami for alleged crimes in their renditions of the electoral campaign of 2014.

This is the private jet rented by the Brazilian company OAS to the former presidential candidate, expense that was included in the electoral account under circumstances where it was a gift.

In March 2014, the PRO, the political party of which he was a candidate for the presidency MEO, declared as an expense before the Electoral Service the hiring of a private jet, for a total of 170,800,000 pesos, to through two invoices from Cristián Warner's company, Cono Sur Research.

The precedent was rejected by Servel during the audit that the use of the aircraft had been a gift of the Brazilian OAS which also gave rise to a complaint for fraud by grants from the State Defense Council against the former candidate and his former advisor

. filed with the Seventh Santiago Guarantee Court, Attorney Chong asked MOE to formalize this illegal activity and facilitate false invoices, and left Warner only as alleged perpetrator of tax crimes.

The prosecutor, who has no complaint from the IIC against these defendants, confirmed the proceedings, but did not answer the questions.

Chong was in Brazil interrogating the owners of the OAS construction company who are serving sentences of 15 years in prison for corruption [19659002LawyerofWarnerAlejandroEspinozahasdestimatedthattheycouldnotbeformedforprotendedfraudinthesubsidybutthiswasthattheChongneprocurorprovidesnot39;accusationscontrelesreprésentantsdelacompagnie[19659006]. Hearing for August 20 at 9:00 am, where MEO and Warner will face a new formalization for tax crimes that adds to the prosecution for the same reasons.
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