FNE accuses collusion between companies fighting and extinguishing forest fires


The Public Prosecutor's Office (FNE) charged a collusion involving companies fighting and extinguishing wildfires .

Because of this, the agency filed requirement before the Tribunal for the Defense of Free Competition (TDLC) in which companies are accused Faasa Chile Servicios Aéreos Limitada [19659003] and Martínez Ridao Chile Limitada . According to the FNE's complaint, these companies entered into and executed an anti-competitive agreement to prevent from restricting or hindering competition "in the sinister forest combat market. by tanker on the national territory.

This during the seasons between 2009 and 2015 .

The National Economic Prosecutor's Office accuses a new collusion, this time between companies struggling and extinguishing fires An injunction has been filed with the Competition Tribunal Here is the detail ?? pic.twitter.com/7CvajqzWHK

– Felipe Gallegos (@ FelipeGallegos7) July 19, 2018

"The prosecution accused these companies of agreeing on their joint action in the Chilean market and that, under this agreement, determined the conditions of marketing the prices and the participation submitting issionnaires in public and private markets.

Among the people affected by this collusion are private forest companies and state institutions, such as Corporación Nacional Forestal (Conaf) and the National Emergency Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior. (Onemi) .

Millionaire Fines

The application was filed with the TDLC on the last day requesting that be fined 3,000 Annual Tax Units (AWU) approximately $ 2.6 million .

While was fined 4,000 AWU about $ 3.5 million for Martinez Ridao for this conduct.

"This amount considers the severity and the temporal extent of the conduct with the fact that those required concentrated almost all sales related to these services so that their customers, public and private, had to pay the prices of the agreement by not having alternative offers, explained the FNE

FNE accuses before the cartel TDLC of the companies fighting and extinguishing forest fires. https://t.co/xMMQkFGfne pic.twitter.com/brfgjYxMJ9

– FNE_Chile (@ChileFne) July 19, 2018

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