Fontaine estimates that if the report is positive, the Cau Cau bridge will be activated on August 15th


Fontaine estimates that if the report is positive, the Cau Cau Bridge will be activated on August 15

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Economics and e-commerce

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Minister of Public Works, Juan Andrs Fontaine, advance on Tuesday that if the test report of Cau Cau bridge is positive, the pbadage of light vehicles on the structure could be activated on August 15.

As I badure you in an inspection visit made this Tuesday in the city of Valdivia, where I stress that the steps established for the qualification of the failed project are completed.

"If a technical report from an international company specialized in bridges is positive, we could allow the bridge on August 15 for the pbadage of light vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians," said the minister, according to the MOP account on his official Twitter account.

"We put 120 days to reach a solution, which requires to overcome 3 steps s.The first was whether you could lower the arms of the bridge and leave them horizontally, a successful test.The second was to check if the arms of the bridge could go up and down to allow the pbadage of the boats, we installed new hydraulic cylinders, we did the tests and they went well. "The third step is to know the results of the report commissioned to an international company with great experience in tilting bridges.

We must now expect the evaluation of the company Modjeski and Masters, who will finally decide if the tests done on the deck after the installation of its structure are positive.

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