For more than two hours, the allegations were extended due to a dispute within the controller's office.


For more than two hours, the charges that will be resolved if Dorothy [1159003] Dorothy Pérez found her position as a subcontractor were extended to the Third Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court.

first battle in the Santiago Court of Appeal that unanimously described as unlawful his dismissal ordered by the controller of Jorge Bermúdez who had appealed this decision in front of the highest court.

On behalf of The Comptroller alleged before the Supreme Court the President of the Defense Council of the State (CDE) María Eugenia Manaud who had requested the annulment of the decision earlier, insisting that the controller's decision was valid.

the only case in Chile that has a privileged situation of this nature, not even the President of the Republic, nor any state power, nor any body of the state administration Their most excellent seigneuries also do not have such a privileged position to occupy a life position that should be imposed even on a new controller who will not be able to have a subcontroller of his trust. This conclusion is really the only one that can not be accepted because, I repeat, it is aberrant, "said Manaud.

A defense subcontractor defended the court's decision

Similarly, the defense of Dorothy Perez sought to uphold the failure of the Santiago Court of Appeal and insisted that the post was irremovable.

The lawyer Ciro Colombara also questioned the lack of clarity of the reasons for the dismissal of his case, thus dismissing his connection with the case of fraud in Carabineros.

"With respect to inconsistencies, versioning changes and the applicant's erratic behavior. It is given elliptically, not directly and with good reason, so that there would be some kind of responsibility or participation in this fraud with respect to Carabineros and I want to state clearly and categorically that it is a lie, that is false, "he said.

Perez's attorney was present in the allegations and only stated that we had to wait for the judicial decision.

Before the hearing, Judge Bermudez had ruled out his position, regardless of the decision of the Supreme Court.

"We are calm, we wait for it to go as planned, then we wait for the decision of the Court " he commented ..

" I think the management is doing well. In fact, the figures from the comptroller's office prove it and the relevance of the institution has been demonstrated. The willingness to collaborate with other state powers is also, "he said.

He also stressed that" we must not forget that in my case I was elected for a period of eight years and unanimously by the Senate. This is more than enough to indicate that there is no reason to think otherwise. "

The decision was approved and will be known in the coming weeks.

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