For the third time, Banco de Chile has problems on its website


For the third time in ten days, Banco de Chile's web portals and mobile applications presented problems, making it impossible for users to make transactions or transactions through these channels.


"Dear customers: our internet portals and mobile applications are intermittent, we are working to resolve it as quickly as possible," reads the official Twitter account.

With that everyone, the bank already accumulates three consecutive weeks with problems in their online sites. Friday, June 29; then, Thursday, July 5 and yesterday. Not to mention the inconvenience he suffered on May 24, when a hacker attacked his computer system and stole 10 million US dollars.

The National Service of Consumers (Sernac) maintains that these three weeks have received 27 complaints on this subject. In fact, seven arrived yesterday

. The bank has referred to these situations only on Twitter or by warning users when they enter the site; however, no announcement has been made explaining why this is happening permanently.

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