Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America – Financial Sector – Economy


Colombia remained last year the third largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI), after Brazil and Mexico, on the map of 32 Latin American countries and Caribbean.

The capital arrived in the country. nearly 14,000 million dollars, and while in the vast majority of countries the receipt of these resources has decreased, in Colombia has increased by 0.5 percent, even above the average of the region where a decrease of 3, 6%, according to a recent report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

The document indicates that for the first time in years, is not on the list of major mergers with companies from other parts of the world in 18th Brazil appears with seven major companies, the largest of them valued at 6.700 million dollars of 39, advance with a Chinese company (State Grid) of the energy sector.

C The olombie is in the list of companies in the region that have merged with each other. The 14.9% acquisition by the ISA of the Brazilian transport company Alianza de Energía Eléctrica appears at a cost of $ 309 million.

Grupo México first bought badets from Florida East Coast Holdings, the transportation sector, for $ 2,100 million.

In the region last year, 161,673 million dollars in foreign direct investment (FDI), 3.6 percent less than in 2016, with what is ending three years in narrowing in series .

This decline comes "despite an international context of greater growth in the global economy, high international liquidity, high profits in large corporations and optimism in the markets" reported ;international organisation.

He warned that FDI in 2017 was 20% lower than in 2011 and that this trend is "explained" by the drop in export commodity prices and the 2015 recession and 2016, mainly in Brazil ".

The main sources of direct investment in the region were the European Union and the United States.

ECLAC predicted that for this year, FDI flows would remain stable compared to what had been recorded last year.


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