Former CIAL workers in Los Ríos blocked the road where they worked


Former employees of the CIAL construction company in the Los Ríos region barricaded the road that connects Paillaco to the rural areas of Itropulli, Santa Rosa and San Pedro, in the region of Los Ríos, ] in mid-June CIAL, whose owner is Alejandro Becker, declared bankruptcy and left more than 1,200 unemployed workers in La Araucanía and Los Rivières. The company maintained contracts in progress with the MOP

. In Los Ríos, the company was carrying out the paving of the same road in which workers were gathering to protest the payment. "We are 70 workers demonstrating (in Los Ríos). We want the MOP to be present and pay us, since April we have not received our wages", Cooperativa Carlos Acuña, one of the spokespersons of the workers

Acuña added that "everything is organized in the region of Araucania but in Los Ríos (the authorities) do not have" [19659002] A few days before the announcement of the bankruptcy of CIAL, Seremi de Obras Públicas de La Araucanía badured that they had all the documentation to pay 500 former employees of the company of construction in this region.

Since The Provincial Directorate of Roads in Valdivia has confirmed that the director Yeny Vega will move to Paillaco to speak with the mobilized workers. [19659008] [ad_2]
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