There is no video game to eclipse it and one of the big reasons for the success of Fortnite is the support of Epic Games week in and week out . Now, as it is traditional in video games, the Fortnite Fifth Season is approaching and the study has already confirmed the date at which the main novelties will arrive: July 12 at 10: 00 of Spain (2:00 in Mexico City). A season that will end 10 weeks later, September 20th.
As always in these cases, from the study betting on the secret (popular was the news of the dismissal and the request of the employees who leaked novelties of the video game ) but there are several indications on the great novelties that can happen in the next two months .
What does the broken sky mean?
The great novelty of the huge gap that can be seen in the sky Fortnite mapping: the rocket that played dozens of theories during the fourth season ended up being thrown to the cut floors, but a mysterious force diverted it to the heavens. And, obviously, such a remarkable change can not be more than a great clue of what is coming in this fifth season .
This crack is located on Charca Chorreante, an area not too popular in the video game of Epic Games, and this could bring with it some important changes in the orography and design of the area for him. give more popularity and increase the competition of the players. It would also be logical to expect, as has happened throughout this season, small additions and retouching in mapping as the base of the wicked.
The role of the detectives
Epic games unveiled in promotional images some of the new skins that will arrive at Fortnite among which stand out the detectives which, badures the community, seem to come from the future . Thus, there are many voices defending this, just as the superheroes have taken over from other events of the game, this time all the protagonism will be for those characters who, thanks to their ability to travel back in time, could have avoided the impact of the rocket. In addition, it seems that in Señorío de la Sal it was included what would be its secret base .
Temporary Travels
It is the strongest theory at the moment: could have broken Fortnite's time line giving rise to the inclusion of different contexts and historical epochs across the map. Thus, some regions could be converted to Western style while incorporating Great Pyramids into others. Some leaks of new graphic elements and some shots of the first fashion trailer Playground say so, and in an ever-changing game like Fortnite, it would be a change that would go as a ringtone at
The price remains
After probations on this subject during the first seasons, Epic Games seems to have found the formula to follow with its Battle Pbad: it will cost 950 paVos or, which is the same, 9.99 euros or dollars . With him, you will have access to weekly challenges and up to 100 unlocking appearances, spikes, gestures, and more. It should also be expected that the purchase of the combat card gives direct access to two new skins as it happened the previous season.
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