Four foreign tourists die in the attack of the IE



The Islamic Jihadist (IS) group claimed on Monday the killing of four Western tourists – the United States, Switzerland and the Netherlands – hit by a vehicle and attacked by men armed forces in Tajikistan.

The attack took place Sunday in the Danghara region, 150 km south of the capital Dushanbe, when seven foreign tourists riding a bicycle were struck by a vehicle whose driver had been driven . L & # 39; escape.

After reporting the hypothesis of an accident, the Tajik authorities announced Monday that the suspects "had knives and guns" and that one of the tourists had been hurt. White weapon.

"We have studied all clues," including theft, said Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Hamro Rahimzoda, without explicitly mentioning the possibility of a terrorist attack.

Two Americans, one Swiss and one Dutchman were killed in the attack while another Swiss and another Dutchman were injured. A seventh tourist, of French nationality, who was in the tail of the pack, remained intact and was questioned by the police.

But in a statement in Arabic made public Monday and transmitted by the group specializing in the surveillance of the jihadist networks SITE, the IS claimed this attack, perpetrated by "a detachment of soldiers of the caliphate ( self-proclaimed) "against" the citizens of the countries of the Crusader coalition ".

After this unusual jihadist attack Tajikistan, a neighboring country of Afghanistan, where local forces, supported by NATO, are fighting ISIL and the Taliban, the Tajik president , Emomali Rajmon, called for strengthening national security.

According to police, at least four suspects were arrested and five others were killed in operations launched to find those responsible for the attack.

One of the suspects killed by the police, a 21-year-old Tajik, is the alleged owner of the car that struck tourists

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