Fourth consecutive decline in copper revitalizes the dollar and the peso is the most depreciated currency | National


Copper caused brutal falls despite a slight rebound on Monday. On Friday, the commodity closed the week on the London Metal Exchange with a 2.53% drop and was below the floor of $ 2.80 per pound for the first time in 353 days.

] Changes in the middle of the trade war between the protectionism promoted by US President Donald Trump and China.

The new copper decline had an impact on a revival dollar broke the Member of the Advisory Committee on the Trend in GDP of the Ministry of Finance, Alejandro Alarcón, said that he was faced with a slowdown in the global economy due to the downtrend of the red metal and the strengths of the North American currency.

According to academic and economist, Erik Haindl, the increase of the rise of araceles between the United States and China will end in the medium term, when the two powers decide to negotiate.

The director of the engineering school Gabriela Mistral University, said that our country has shown greater sensitivity to the fall of China in the purchase of metal , which impacted the depreciation of our currency against the dollar .

During this Friday, the release of the finances, Rodrigo Valdés, made a harsh criticism of the work Sebastián Piñera's current administration in the program Who would say it in Radio Infinita.

In the example, the old authority badured that the high expectations that the Executive maintains were reduced in a weak performance of the National Stock Exchange, due to A series of restrictions they face today.

MP and member of the Finance Committee, Leopoldo Pérez (RN), attributes to self-criticism the statements made by the former secretary of state, due to mismanagement the government of Michelle Bachelet.

Opinion of the Deputy of the Economic Commission, Gabriel Silber (DC), who supported Valdé's words noting that, despite positive growth figures, there are external factors that the government faces and in a short period of time.

The former head of the Treasury also had words for the controversy that generated the trip to Harvard's successor in office, Felipe Larrain

Valdes accused Larrain that he had not the strength that a secretary of state has to demonstrate and accused him of. having split the second administration of Piñera being "the bad cop of the government", criticizing the management of Michelle Bachelet. .

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