France plans to deploy police officers in schools to combat violence in schools | Internationale


The French government plans to deploy police officers to schools, as part of a series of measures to combat violence at school, after the first time. a student had pointed a gun last week. , teacher

The new French Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, presented to the press that, as well as other measures on Friday, the closing of a "strategic committee" co-organized by the ministers of the Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, and Justice, Nicole Belloubet, at the request of Emmanuel Macron

The French President had requested that "measures" be taken after the broadcast last week of a video of A student pointing a gun on a social network. in a high school in the Paris suburbs. The weapon proved to be false, but the incident provoked the indignation of the French

To avoid such incidents, the government promised Friday to take a series of security measures and did not exclude the deployment police officers in the establishments. schoolchildren, especially "in the most difficult neighborhoods" and in "moments of tension"

"Schools must be sacred, protected places, our teachers protected and our students protected from unacceptable violence", said Castaner.

The 15-year-old who was shot with a gun against his teacher to remove him from the list of absentees was charged with "aggravated violence" on Sunday. He will be tried by a juvenile court.

The teacher, who complained the day after the incident, said that he did not know if the weapon was real or false.

Since then, the testimonies of thousands of teachers on their experiences of violence at school have flooded social networks under the hashtag #pasdevague. Many examples cite hidden cases according to their hierarchy.

According to official figures, cases of verbal abuse are most frequent in French schools (more than eight serious events occurred by students against a staff member).

Mostly performed by men, they occur mainly in clbadrooms and result in exclusions, temporary or permanent, in more than 90% of cases.

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