Francisco, leader of the religious caudillismo


With exceptions like John XXIII, the popes were monarchs in front of a vertical structure, marked by their medieval instinct of domination of the terrestrial power. Almost all the pontiffs, acting as infallible monarchs, defended orthodox versions of the dogma and acted in such a way that the Church gravitated around governments and legislations. Until now, Francisco does not aim to be different. That he has transgressed rules and faced formidable redoubts of the curia, does not imply that his pontificate is less monarchical and more willing to respect the secular sphere of governments and laws. But the Latin American origin of the pope gives a particular bias to his monarchism.

In Latin America, kings who reign over laws and institutions are called caudillos. And Francisco is that

This trait makes him irascible to secular power when he relegates him or resists the medieval instinct of the church to impose his vision on education and the law. And sometimes, anger leads him to recklessness. The world listened with amazement at the comparison of the legalization of abortion with "a nazism gloved of white". The voices of Judaism denouncing the bbadization of the holocaust were right. The pope has called the Nazis, or genocides, the mature democracies of the West and the other developed powers in a world where legality largely prevails over criminalization.

The impression is that it made him mad that "his" country took a step towards legalization. However, this should not surprise you. In 1978, this step was taken by the country where the Vatican is located and was led by coalitions led by the Christian Democrats. It was an overwhelming majority of Italians who voted in a referendum. The same thing happened in Portugal very Catholic. It also legalized the pregnancy termination Spain, a country born from a marriage between the fundamentalist kings (Fernando de Aragón and Isabel "La Católica"), which expelled Muslims and Jews with "holy wars" ". And recently, Ireland, a country that has made Catholicism an identity trait and where the national symbols are the "Celtic cross" and clover, because St. Patrick used it to explain the Holy Trinity.

United States, with a nation marked by the Puritans and Quakers who landed from Ma Fleur, had it legalized in 1973 and in the following decades the entire developed world has fact.

Sin . By the way, the church has the right to conceive the termination of pregnancy as a sin. What is questionable is that it is also considered a crime. In the twentieth century, church anti-abortion rhetoric focused on the fact that the "dignity of the person" was granted by God from the first moment of pregnancy. He has now looked for a less abstract concept: he speaks of "life". What he lacks in his "defense of life" is self-criticism for pouring blood with inquisitors, crusaders and armies like that of the Papal States, as well as denominational ideologies. like Spanish phalanxism. Also for living with the death penalty and having military bishops who blessed weapons.

Another excuse that should have preceded its offensive against legalization is to have stigmatized the single mother since the Middle Ages until the 20th century. XX. In the old European theocracy, many Catholic women have aborted not to be stigmatized as single mothers. The church has repudiated them. The stigma reached the children, who were called "bastards". And it was difficult to live in Catholic society with such an adjective.

The church also contributed to the fact that homobaduality is considered a perversion. Not only bad, but also love between people of the same bad, it was called sodomy. And he was executed and persecuted with cruelty. In this regard, Pope Caudillo had threatened to turn to a position opposed to that of the Argentine cardinal who described the egalitarian marriage of "plan of Satan". But he returned to look like Bergoglio by arguing that "God's family image" is composed of man and woman. Ergo, there can be no marriage or family between people of the same bad, even if they like it. As the former cardinal, the pope has placed heterobaduality as a fundamental factor of marriage and family, above love.

Measure . A religious leader must be careful. On topics where religion is an intrusion into secular debates, in the same way of the pope, there are fools who infect social networks with hatred. Fanaticism causes a confused Gospel message with ecclesiastical politics

That is why there are so many inquisitors who hate those who advocate secularism in the laws and question that the church has the ## 148 ## The intention to legislate. In short, it is the central point: human laws are a matter of humans, not the

As already seen the mature democracies of the West and other powers in most countries, on the end of pregnancy the best law is one in which one part of society does not oblige another party to anything that goes against its principles. And legalization does not force to abort

As in other countries that have faced these debates before, in Argentina the excesses began at the altars. If certain sermons in cathedrals encouraged hordes of inquisitors to leave as jackals to launch threats, how many fools might feel empowered to "chase witches", listening to a pope criminalize those who Nazism is synonymous with cruelty and extermination. If you do not call the Venezuelan and Nicaraguan genocide regimes, who commit mbadacres to maintain their power and do not accuse the EI of the genocide by exterminating the Druze, Yazidis, Christians, Alawites, Kurds and Shia in Iraq and Syria, does that make sense? tell those who defend legalize the interruption of

Much of the world has considered an excess. An excess which, perhaps, is explained in the recurrence of Francisco to act as an announcement of electronic planning caudillo

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